BiOME Consulting

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Bird Survey in Wales

Our team of ornithologists worked on a wide variety of projects in Wales during 2019. As is typical, proposed and consented wind farms accounted for the majority of the work, but this was supplemented by a variety of project types:

  • Proposed Hydroelectric Power Scheme located within a Special Protection Area; Common Bird Census (CBC) type surveys, species specific surveys for Merlin, Hen Harrier and Peregrine.

  • Opencast Mine Restoration Project; CBC type surveys and Goshawk surveys.

  • Proposed Wind Farm Projects; Brown and Shepherd walkover surveys, Vantage Point Surveys, species specific surveys for raptors and Curlew.

  • Post-construction Wind Farm Monitoring; Brown and Shepherd walkover surveys, Vantage Point Surveys, species specific surveys for Honey-buzzard and Curlew, carcass searches.

  • Post-construction Single Turbine (coastal); VP surveys and carcass searches.

  • Major Road Realignment Scheme in South Wales; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), Barn Owl survey (in line with Shawyer, 2011) including building and tree assessment and foraging habitat suitability assessment leading to the identification of potential road traffic accident black-spots.

  • Linear Project in Pembrokeshire; Wintering bird walkover surveys, coastal point counts, Chough surveys.

if you would like to discuss you ornithological survey/assessment requirements please contact Martyn Owen ( / 07736286675