Rob Martin, ACIEEM

Rob has been a professional ecologist for 11 years, working as a specialist ornithological surveyor in the UK for five years before focusing on international conservation with BirdLife International and the Wildlife Conservation Society in Cambodia.

In addition to devising, undertaking and reporting orntihological surveys, he has undertaken myriad surveys for bats, Water Vole, Great Crested Newt, Badger and reptiles for a wide variety of clients, including many nationally significant infrastructure projects. Currently researching methods for conserving critically endangered species alongside communities on remote Indonesian islands for his MPhil at Manchester Metropolitan University, throughout his career Rob has sought practical solutions that benefit both people and wildlife.

As an associate of BiOME his wealth of experience in diverse fieldwork methods across species and habitats reinforces the team’s exacting standards.

Rob holds survey licences for Great Crested Newt and Barn Owl.