All Bat species are protected by European and UK wildlife law and are a common consideration in development proposals. Our specialist bat surveyors and data analysts hold the highest-level bat survey licences issued by Natural England, Natural Resources Wales and Scottish Natural Heritage that include bat handling, mist-netting, harp-trapping and the use of acoustic lures.
We also have an in-house team of qualified tree-climbers, enabling the completion of roost inspections of trees that may be affected by development proposals.
We have completed bat surveys and assessment work in relation to diverse range of projects from building renovations to large-scale renewable energy projects and Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects. The survey methods employed in relation to these projects include:
roost inspections
nocturnal bat emergence/re-entry surveys
tree climbing
transect surveys
monitoring at height
static monitoring
European Protected Species mitigation licencing
bat call analysis
BiOME possesses considerable experience in obtaining European Protected Species (EPS) bat mitigation licences for development projects and in the design and implementation of mitigation schemes.
We also have staff who are Registered Consultants under the Natural England Bat Mitigation Class Licence scheme (formerly Bat Low Impact Class Licence (BLICL)) through which we are able to register sites that contain low numbers of ‘low conservation significance’ bat roosts, which streamlines the process for the client.
We offer a EPS licensing service for consultancies/freelance ecologists to assist with obtaining European Protected Species (EPS) bat mitigation licences/BMCL for their sites.
Our kit list extends to a large number of full spectrum Wildlife Acoustics Minibats and similar automated bat detectors to allow us to complete long-term monitoring projects at remote sites; over the previous four years we have completed numerous such projects for proposed wind farm sites, housing developments and proposed solar farms throughout the UK.
We have staff who are very experienced in bat call analysis who can assist consultancies/freelance ecologists with such projects.
We also complete large-scale bat analysis for projects with staff who have over two decades experience in such work.
We have completed bat surveys for a proposed mining development in southern Norway and undertaken extensive bat research projects in Morocco and the Sahara.
Selected References
Battersby, J. (comp.) (2010): Guidelines for Surveillance and Monitoring of European Bats. EUROBATS Publication Series No. 5. UNEP/EUROBATS Secretariat, Bonn, Germany, 95 pp.
Bat Conservation Trust (2016). Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists: Good Practice Guidelines (3rd edition)
Bat Conservation Trust (2012). Surveying for onshore wind farms: Good Practice Guidelines 2nd edition
Eurobats (2014). Guidelines for consideration of bats in wind farm projects. Revision 2014