Great Crested Newts
Great Crested Newt is a European-Protected Species and receives special protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). Where this species may be present near a development site, it is essential to undertake appropriate survey work and devise a suitable mitigation scheme should this species be found to be present.
BiOME ecologists are fully licenced to undertake
Great Crested Newt surveys.
This is likely to initially involve a habitat suitability assessment (HSI), potentially followed by environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis, presence/absence surveys and population estimates.
We also possess extensive experience in the implementation of large-scale mitigation schemes associated with development projects, including translocation, the installation of exclusion fencing and habitat management and creation.
Selected References
ARG UK (2010). ARG UK Advice Note 5: Great Crested Newt Habitat Suitability Index. Amphibian and Reptile Groups of the United Kingdom.
English Nature (2001). Great Crested Newt Mitigation Guidelines. English Nature, Peterborough
Gent A and Bray R (eds) (2001). Conservation and Management of Great Crested Newts. English Nature, Peterborough
Langton, T.E.S., Beckett, C.L., and Foster, J.P. (2001). Great Crested Newt Conservation Handbook, Froglife, Halesworth.
Oldham R.S., Keeble J., Swan M.J.S. & Jeffcote M. (2000). Evaluating the suitability of habitat for the Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus). Herpetological Journal 10(4), 143-155.
Williams, P. & Biggs, J. (2012). Change in great crested newt Habitat Suitability Index between 1996 and 2007 assessed using lowland Countryside Survey data. JNCC Report, No.467
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