Rewilding and Ecological Restoration
Rewilding, which involves the restoration of natural processes and species, has the potential to deliver a progressive and resilient approach to wildlife management.
Ecological Restoration is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed.
Rewilding projects have been initiated at large and small-scale sites in Britain. BiOME has provided expert advice for several of these projects and we offer a number of relevant services to landowners including:
Baseline surveys of flora and fauna (including birds, mammals, invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians);
Monitoring surveys (for example long-term camera-trapping of mammal populations, or regular monitoring surveys of bird communities to observe how works are influencing populations);
Expert advice to maximise the likelihood that the desired outcomes to come to fruition.
BiOME has been involved with a number of ecological restoration projects dating back 25 years including:
Large-scale upland heathland/moorland restoration where over-grazing and inappropriate land management had resulted in a reduction of habitat quality/diversity and the collapse of populations of several key bird species.
The production and reintroduction of coppicing plans at a large woodland in western England with the aim of encouraging Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary Boloria selene reestablishment.
Glacial wetland restoration involving pioneering works to alleviate issues caused by the invasive New Zealand Pygmyweed Crassula helmssi, habitat works to re-establish a diversity of wetland areas for migratory and resident birds and works to an area that formerly supported a Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus colony.
Species-specific bird surveys (Curlew Numenius arquataand Whinchat Saxicola rubetra) and assessment work to determine the reasons for population decline and the implementation of short-term (to maximise the likelihood of breeding success) and long-term (habitat management) measures to restore populations.
BiOME can provide experienced consultancy and undertake a diverse array of habitat works in all aspects of ecological restoration.