Bird Surveys - Caithness
Our team of ornithologists recently concluded 12 months of bird surveys at a proposed wind farm site in Caithness, Scotland. These surveys, which were completed in line with SNH guidelines, included:
Goose surveys (field usage within the site and 2km buffer zone)
Raptor/owl surveys
Wintering bird walkover surveys
Breeding bird (Common Bird Census) walkover surveys
36 hours of Vantage Point (VP) survey during both the winter and breeding seasons
During fieldwork a variety of breeding waders were encountered, as well as Twite and three pairs of Arctic Skua. It wasn’t all work though, and the team managed to find a variety of rare species during time between surveys, including Syke’s Warbler and American Wigeon amongst other species.
Our team of ornithologists cover all parts of the British Isles, and beyond. If you require support on you project, please contact Martyn Owen (