2020 - A challenging, but busy, year for our Shropshire office
2020 proved to be a complicated (from an administrative and health and safety perspective) but very busy year for our team of Shropshire ecologists. The fluid pandemic situation resulted in a number of complications (not least the travel restrictions and lack of hotel availability) but by adopting flexible working practices and a ‘can do’ approach we successfully delivered a large number of projects on time and budget for our valued clients.
To support local parents and carers during the national lockdowns we provided some of our large number of camera traps to parents and schools with the aim of providing home-schooling content and to increase interest and awareness in the wildlife present in children’s gardens and school playing fields. We have been assisting with identification over the last 12 months, which has resulted in images of (lots of!) cats, Bank Voles, Rabbits, Hedgehogs, Brown Rats and Red Foxes.
Bat Surveys
Our team of in-house bat surveyors and trusted sub-consultants completed Preliminary Roost Appraisals (PRA) and subsequent nocturnal surveys in relation to 15 small-scale residential development projects, supporting local architects and their clients. A number of these projects required bat mitigation licences, which were duly obtained with our ecologists supporting developers with appropriate advice and guidance throughout to ensure that delays and costs were minimised so far as possible.
We also completed Preliminary Ground Level Investigations (PGLI), aerial inspections and nocturnal surveys of trees to be impacted at a number of proposed development sites (industrial and residential development, reservoir improvement works, water main upgrades and road upgrades). At one of these sites, over 50 trees required nocturnal surveys following PGLI - these surveys were delivered in line with survey guidance and client requirements and resulted in the discovery of a Noctule roost within an oak tree (26 bats), and a number of Myotis and pipistrelle roosts which will now be protected from disturbance during development.
2020 saw us replace our stock of static detectors; we now hold 25 Wildlife Acoustics Minibat detectors. Following some teething problems during the initial testing period, these detectors were deployed at four sites to inform wind farm, road upgrade and housing development projects. A remote weather station (Davis Vantage Vue) was also obtained which allows us to collect data across monitoring periods to accurately compare bat activity against weather variables.
Bird Surveys
We continue to support clients with proposed wind farm developments, post-construction monitoring of wind farms as well as residential developments and projects with the potential to impact designated sites. Unfortunately, we were scheduled to complete a number of conservation related projects, although the pandemic led to delays in these valuable projects.
During 2020 we completed post-construction monitoring at four wind farm sites, including breeding birds (standard methods, and Curlew nest-finding), carcass searches (birds and bats), GCN, bats, habitats and groundwater monitoring
Preliminary Ecological Appraisals/Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
Often the first (and only) survey required to inform small-scale projects, we pride ourselves on the quality and value of service we provide to our clients. By using only experienced and knowledgeable surveyors we ensure that PEA/EP1HS are completed to highest standard and as efficiently as possible. We completed surveys across the Midlands and Wales during 2020.
Other Protected Species
2020 saw our team complete survey and assessment work in relation to a variety of protected mammals (Badger, Hazel Dormouse, Otter, Water Vole), reptiles, Great Crested Newt, Small Blue butterfly.

Whether you require bat surveys to inform small-scale residential development, surveys and assessment to inform large scale development projects or anything in between, our team of ecologists are here to help. Please contact Martyn Owen to discuss your requirements (martyn@biomeconsulting.com or 07736 286675)