Coastal Wintering Bird Surveys to Inform Habitat Regulations Assessment
During the 2020/21 winter period we completed bird surveys in North and South Wales, to obtain sufficient data to enable Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA).
In North Wales surveys were completed to assess usage of habitats within and adjacent to Liverpool Bay Special Protection Area (SPA) and Lavan Sands SPA by qualifying features, using the ‘through the tide’ survey method. This method involves collecting data on distribution from low to high tide (or vice versa). Information regarding disturbance events and effects within the intertidal area was also collected.
In South Wales surveys were completed to assess field usage by qualifying features of the Severn Estuary SPA/Ramsar (/SSSI). Again, surveys were completed throughout the tidal cycle each day to assess changes in distribution. In addition, nocturnal surveys were completed using a thermal camera to evaluate variations in usage between day and night.
Heat map produced to illustrate Oystercatcher distribution and abundance
During the surveys completed in North Wales two colour ringed species were observed.
A group of three Pale Bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota observed in the intertidal area, these birds were part of a catch by the Irish Brent Goose Research Group on 9 February 2019 at Penmon Pool on Anglesey, and were most recently recorded as they passed through Strangford Lough County Down last autumn.
In the same area, among a large flock of Knot Calidris canutus, two colour flagged birds were noted. These birds were marked at Ynslas Point on 2 October 2020 as part of a study of movements of Irish Sea Knots. Knots marked at Ynslas Point have been seen in Portugal, France, Belgium, South England, SW Ireland, Merseyside and now North Wales, demonstrating the value of colour ringing to improve our understanding of bird movements. The specific birds observed during our survey had previously been seen in Bangor Harbour.
During nocturnal surveys a variety of waders, wildfowl, raptors/owls and mammal were logged. The nocturnal surveys highlighted marked variation in field usage between day and night, illustrating the value of this survey technique.

If you require support with any bird related project please contact Martyn Owen (, 07736 286675)